Student Affairs

About Student Affairs

The Division of Student Affairs at Hocking College involves many staff, departments, programs and services that provide a supportive environment that enhances the personal development and learning for all students. Student Affairs staff work in partnership with faculty and staff, students and families, to serve as a resource and guide.

Student Grievance

The purpose of the Hocking College Student Grievance Procedure is to provide a system for the internal administrative review of student concerns, with the goal of a fair and equitable resolution of the issue(s) including academic affairs, student affairs, business operations, and disabilities. The Student Grievance Procedure is designed for students who believe they have been treated unfairly regarding any college issue(s), denial of due process rights, discrimination/discriminatory treatment, and/or any action by College employees, students or third parties which has had an unfair and adverse impact on a student's learning experience. Throughout this process, the position of all parties will be evaluated in a fair and impartial manner. Steps will be taken to prevent any recurrences of discrimination, harassment, or any other conduct that is inconsistent with the mission of the College.

Non-Discrimination Policy

Hocking College is committed to providing equal educational and employment opportunity regardless of sex, marital or parental status, race, color, religion, age, sexual orientation, national origin or disability. Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any educational program or activity receiving federal assistance by the way of grant, contract, or loan. Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is similar in its prohibition of employment discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion, color or national origin.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 prohibit discrimination against qualified individual with disabilities.

Equal educational opportunity includes: admissions, recruitment, extra-curricular programs and assistance, employment, health and insurance services and athletics. Inquiries regarding compliance with any of these federal regulations may be directed to the Department of Education, the Office of Federal Contract Compliance or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Title IX Information and Resources

Title IX is a resource on sexual misconduct for students, faculty, staff, and visitors who are part of the Hocking College community. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 states: "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."

Hocking College is committed to providing a learning, working and living environment that promotes personal integrity, civility and mutual respect in an environment free of sexual misconduct and discrimination. Sexual discrimination violates an individual's fundamental rights and personal dignity. Hocking College considers sexual discrimination in all its forms to be a serious offense. This resource refers to all forms of sexual discrimination, including: sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual violence by employees, students, or third parties. (Title 20 U.S.C. Sections 1681-1688)

Click Here to See All Title IX Resources

Resource Contacts

Title IX Coordinator
Hannah Guada
John Light Hall 198

Hocking College Campus Safety
Behind Light and Oakley Halls off of the Loop Rd, next to Hocking Heights Residence Hall

Nelsonville Police Department
211 Lake Hope Drive
Nelsonville, OH 45764

Athens County Sheriff's Department
13 W Washington St #100
Athens, OH 45701


Residence Life and Staff
All Employees of Hocking College are "responsible employees" by Title IX standards and are mandated to report acts of violence for Title IX investigation.

Academic Success Center
1st Floor Davidson Hall


Athens County Prosecutor / Victim Assistance
Keller Blackburn, Prosecutor
Alli Purcell, Victim Advocate
1 S. Court St., Athens, OH 45701


Survivor Advocacy Outreach Program
24 hour Crisis Hotline  740.591.4266

Hopewell Heath Center
Weekday and Weekend Hours

Behavioral Intervention

The Hocking Behavioral Intervention Team (HBIT) is a group of staff and faculty who assess at-risk situations on the Nelsonville, Logan and Perry campuses and develops action plans to address such situations. The HBIT is a multidisciplinary team comprised of Residence Life, Counseling Center, Judicial Affairs, Campus Safety, Faculty and other applicable parties. The team meets monthly to discuss incidents of student behavior and to assess, intervene and monitor any concerns referred to the HBIT through the Student Incident Reporting system.

Incidents may include the following:

    •      Suicide attempts or expression of suicidal thoughts or feelings
    •      Students who threaten to harm other students, staff or community 
      • Relationship violence situation
      • Students with weapons on campus
      • Disruptive behavior in classroom
      • Aggressive students
    •     Projects or papers that contain violent or threatening content
    •     Serious student drug and alcohol related behaviors





Student Conduct

The Office of Student Conduct

The Hocking College Office of Student Conduct is a resource center for all members of the Hocking College community to ensure that community standards are upheld and to educate students, faculty and staff on the importance and role of social responsibility in the educational process. Delivery of this task complete through the administration of the Student Code of Conduct. The college expects that all student adhere to the expectations set forth in this document and hold each other accountable for their role in ensuring a healthy, learning-centered environment.

Click here to submit your official Judicial Appeal

  The Rights of the Accused        Student Code of Conduct



The mission of the Ombudsman is to assist students with the resolution of problems to support retention and to foster respect across the campus community. The Office of the Ombudsman provides a safe, comfortable, and confidential environment for students to discuss their concerns or complaints outside formal channels. The Ombudsman cannot impose solutions, but identifies options and strategies for resolution.

Before contacting the Ombudsman, students should attempt to resolve their issues at the department or service center level. If a satisfactory resolution has not been obtained through these channels, the student should request assistance by filling out the Ombudsman Assistance Request form.

Submit a request


Contact Student Affairs

Have additional questions, comments, or concerns? Contact Student Affairs today!

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